How UniqueSide scaled to $75k in 8 months

How UniqueSide scaled to $75k in 8 months

Learn from the stories behind hundreds of profitable businesses and side projects.

$75k Revneue | 1 employees | Manoj Ahirwar Founder


This guy has build 70-80 products without making any money from them until he started sharing his progress publicly, which changed everything. In this video, we share his journey of how he turned things around. By building in public, he began to generate revenue and eventually made about $75,000 in just 8 months from one of his products. Not only this, he also successfully sold two of his businesses. We'll hear all about how he made this amazing transition and what he learned along the way.


He is Manoj Ahirwar, He started building products during his college days. In his second year, he took an Android development course that taught him the basics of app creation, which excited him.

Since then, Manoj has built over 70-80 products, most of which failed until he started building in public.

His first idea was to create a platform where college students could find previous year’s question papers. His college batchmates were the target audience, and the platform gained popularity when students noticed that the exam questions were similar to those on the site. However, after Manoj graduated and started a job, his focus shifted, leading to infrequent updates. This caused a decline in users and traction, resulting in the platform's closure in 2019.

Another interesting project he worked on was creating a new social media platform with some friends, aiming to build the next Facebook. The platform allowed users to create posts like Twitter polls, connect with like-minded people, and chat. It scaled to around 8,000-9,000 users worldwide organically. However, being a tech guy, they had no knowledge of marketing or monetization. Later, Multiple policy warnings from the Google Play Store were ignored, eventually leading to the app’s removal from the store.

Manoj continued to build multiple B2C products and even sought funding in 2020, but nothing worked out.

Fast forward to 2022

His journey took a pivotal turn in 2022. Always eager to build a personal brand, he was already active on LinkedIn, posting about the products he created. However, his ambition was to reach a level where people in the US and UK would recognize him, even while he was in India.

So, back in December 2022, he discovered an Indiehacking community. He noticed many members posting screenshots of their earnings from Lemon Squeezy and Stripe, which made him curious about who was paying them. Intrigued, he delved deeper, engaging with people on X, and learned more about their strategies.

This exploration inspired him to start build products in public, but with a crucial change: he decided that none of his products would be free anymore. This shift in approach marked a significant step in his journey towards building a successful personal brand and generating revenue.

Leaving the Job

In January 2023, Manoj started building products in public while working at a Job in singapore. He was planning to leave the company in 3 months but because of taxation issue he had to stay there for 6 months. At this time he was building xActions a chrome extension that allows users to automate tasks, ask questions about code, and create custom actions using AI from any website directly from their browser. Later it got acquired by a company for multiple figures.

On May 5, 2023, Manoj resigned and decided to pursue Indie hacking full-time. Before making this leap, he had significantly saved enough money to support himself for a year in case he couldn't generate any revenue during that time. This financial safety net allowed him to fully commit to his passion for building and sharing his products.


Starting Uniqueside

When Manoj left his job, he was working on his previous tech product. However, he realized that scaling and generating revenue from a tech product is challenging and time-consuming. To ensure he had a steady income, he decided to start an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development agency instead.

The idea to start an MVP development agency wasn't new; he had been considering it since 2019. Back then, while working, his friends often asked him how to build websites, where to deploy them, and which hosting services to use. Although they were tech professionals, they lacked the knowledge to build a product from start to finish.

He leveraged this expertise to start UniqueSide, a service that helps launch MVPs in just 15 days. This approach allowed him to have a steady flow of revenue while continuing to pursue his passion for building products.

Getting the first customer

When he started UniqueSide, he worked hard to promote it on X. However, he didn't get any customers for the first two months. By July 2023, he was starting to feel stressed about it.

In August 2023, while he was at the beach in Maldives, he spontaneously took out his phone and tweeted, "I will build your MVP in 7 days for $3000." The tweet quickly gained people eyes, receiving around 16,000 views. As a result, he secured his first two customers through this tweet.


Scaling Unique Side

While building UniqueSide, Manoj continued to develop his own products, such as, and actively shared his progress on X and LinkedIn. By October 2023, he secured three customers simultaneously for UniqueSide, which created a substantial workload. To manage the increased demand, he enlisted a friend to join part-time to ensure timely delivery of the projects.

Additionally, to keep up with his own product development, Manoj hired two frontend development interns. These interns initially worked on his personal projects but soon began contributing to UniqueSide's frontend development as well.

As Manoj continued to build in public, his following grew, and his tweets started gaining traction. This visibility and engagement helped establish his reputation and credibility. During this period, his product was also acquired for 6 Figures, further boosting his profile.

Over the past eight months, UniqueSide has worked with over 10+ customers worldwide, generating $75k in revenue. All of these clients came through his active presence on X and LinkedIn


Future Plans

Manoj recently released a new product called UseArticle, which helps founders to blogs for their websites in just 5 minutes. He is using UseArticle to create content for his other products. One of his articles on UniqueSide has already started to rank on the first page of Google, showing the potential of this new tool.

However, his main priority will be to work on Unique side projects where UseArticle will be the product he will focus on to generate additional revenue. 


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