Build a unique and innovative startups | Voxup

Uday Agarwal Posted on Oct. 8, 2020, 12:52 p.m.

Techlead at Voxup

A modern, accessible hypnotherapy platform for clear minds and clear hearts (Ed: can't lose!)

Mental healthcare is the #1 public health crisis in America. Today, 38M Americans are on antidepressants, while 20M Americans are on anti-anxiety medication. With 46% of Americans experiencing mental illness during their lifetime, US annual spend on mental health treatments …

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Voxup Posted on Oct. 7, 2020, 1:11 p.m.

The unbundled MBA- High-quality network curation supporting lifelong learning

What Chief has done to modernize and uplevel Young Presidents' Organization and intra-company women's networks, a NewCo should do to business school.

Roughly 200K students graduate with MBAs annually, many of whom spend almost $200K for the privilege. That equates …

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Voxup Posted on Oct. 6, 2020, 1:07 p.m.

A rewind to WWDC

When Apple releases a new OS or development primitive, you should pay attention. Thanks to Rick (who I met through RFS!), I was introduced to Apple's new App Clips. The SDK is fairly nascent, but the idea of "miniaturizing" …

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Why you should post your problems?

We all face a lot of problems in our daily lives related to transportation, commodities, leasing etc. We want someone to hear us out and build a solution to that problem. Posting it here will set you free and let the entrepreneurs find ways to deal with it.

Who knows your problem can be the next big startup of the decade!